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Our Responsibility

Within our operating environment, acknowledging and maintaining the historical and cultural heritage of our hosts is an integral part of our corporate strategy.

This aids our organization, with our host’s support, in the timely delivery of projects which bring mutual benefit to our community and our stakeholders.

In all areas of operation, we work with our operating partners to ensure sustainable investments in infrastructural development in our host and neighbouring communities. These contributions have led to value creation for our host community.

Corporate and Social Responsibility

Community Engagement Model

Our community engagement policy popularly known as the Newcross “growing together” plan is aimed at identifying, understudying, ranking, developing and assisting in sustaining developmental projects that add value to our hosts’ community parallel to our growth and development within their community.

While phase 2A projects are short term projects, phase 2B projects are projects evolved and developed by hosts (with the corporate support) but ultimately managed by host communities in a sustainable model.

Our organization acknowledges the cultural diversity and heritage amongst the people both within our business and operating environment. We also ensure that we maintain a clear line of communication in our engagement interface, which adheres to simplified process of objective evaluation for all its CSR projects. This is done via Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), followed by an adopted responsive intervention approach. This ultimately creates a positive impact on the socio-economic needs of the host community. This is an integral part of our corporate strategy; focusing on short term and long term/sustainable goals.

Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE)

The Health, Safety & Environmental Management System (HSE MS) demonstrates NPL’s commitment to ensure consistent and effective management of health, safety and environmental matters. The system promotes continuous improvement by ongoing measurement and evaluation of performance against established standards. It also provides an effective HSE management interface with contractors.

It is the policy of NPL that all its activities are executed as follows:

  • The safety, health and security of employees, contractors’ employees and members of the public who may be involved in its operations are safe guarded or preserved.
  • There’s reduced impact of our operations on the environment.
  • Ensures sensitivity to the concerns of the host communities.

In implementing this policy, Newcross is fully committed and we will continue to provide safe system of work, safe equipment, personal protective equipment and appropriate training to all our staff to ensure that gains derivable are adequately harnessed.

Newcross recognizes the fact that prevention of accidents requires cooperative efforts as well as committed attitude of mind to HSE. As a consequence of this fact, the responsibility for preventing any kind of incidents rests with everyone within the organization.
